How important is core strength to endurance athletes?
Core strength is extremely important to endurance athletes. Whether you run, cycle or swim the act of moving your legs and arms repetitively to produce power relies on a strong core. Think of tree with the core being the trunk. If you want strong, powerful branches (arms and/or legs) you must have a strong, powerful trunk (core) to support them. Indo Boards are designed to train your core through a variety of movements, only some of which require that you stand on your Indo Board. For ideas on how you can train your core on the Indo Board check out our Indo Board exercise poster or our YouTube training videos
Can the Indo Board be used for injury rehabilitation and injury prevention?
Yes! The Indo Board is found in thousands of the best physical therapy clinics all across the world as well as being used in US Olympic Training Center. Injury rehabilitation and prevention in athletes typically involves strengthening muscles and joints as well as increasing range of motion usually using low impact movements. The Indo Board allows for this type of specific training for the lower body, upper body and core.